Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I am not a farmer!

Since my wonderful husband has been out of commission due to surgery, I have become the farmer and gardener. Feeding the animals and hauling water in buckets to water trees isn't too bad. Picking tomatoes, not so fun. If you have only a plant or two it would be fine, but two very long rows seems to never end. The tomatoes aren't really that bad, it is the blister bugs that are the problem. They are every where. If you shake the plants to knock them off, then they are all around your feet. Ok, maybe I wasn't so smart wearing fliflops, but I still think I would have been scared. I would like to think of myself as a brave, adventurous person, but no, I am just a coward that is realizing that I am more of a city, well large town maybe, girl instead of a country girl. I thought I might never eat another tomato, but then I think about pizza, and maybe the experience wasn't that bad.


Anonymous said...

ha! I must get my love for the farm from you ;)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a blast! KK loves those beetles too!