I wote a littl pume te te dup te te dup It's a merr Christmas.
This is on my refrigerator, yes on my refrigerator, and every time I walk by it makes me cry. Of course that wonderful poet is now 24 years old, and living half way around the world in a foreign country. Ok, maybe a few thousand miles in California, same difference.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
I have so much to be thankful for and have had such a good year. I will save that for the end of the year though. I am thankful for Dennis and how good he treats me and makes me feel so special. I am thankful for Toby and Kara-Kae and how proud I am of them. I am thankful for my daughter-in-law and son-in-law and how happy they make my children. I am thankful for Tallie and her special new sibling that is on the way. Most of all and foremost I am thankful for God and His many blessings.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I try to think of words that describe what being a parent is all about: fear, joy, pride, excitement, worry, faith, cheerfulness, etc. These are the words that describe feelings you have when finding out that you will be giving birth to a child, as well as the feeling you have when your children are adults. I have two adult children that I have all of these same feelings about. I am so proud of the adults they have become. Toby is a wonderful son, great husband, terrific step-dad, and going to be a wonderful father to his child that is due in May. I saw how good of a parent he could be when he had a foster-child and was such a good parent to him for the few months he had him. Kara-Kae is a beautiful, kind daughter, wonderful wife, and great parent to Jack (the dog). She is in the process of moving to California. Even though it makes me very sad that she will be so far away, I do admire her courage to pack up and head out there. I wish that I could be the type of person to throw caution to the wind and just go and do. I will just have to live vicariously throught her. I do expect them to move back to this area when it is time to have children that don't require 4 legs to walk.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy Birthday, Tallie!
We went to Stephenie's parents' today for Tallie's birthday, which is really on the 29th. We ate a yummy lunch, had cake and ice cream, and watched Tallie open gifts. Later we went to Toby and Stephenie's and had a nice visit.
Stephenie had done some Christmas shopping over the week-end, and it about drove Toby crazy that he couldn't tell us what she bought. It cracks me up how he can be so mature, and then is like a kid when it comes to gifts.
There is no way he can not find out the sex of their baby.
Stephenie had done some Christmas shopping over the week-end, and it about drove Toby crazy that he couldn't tell us what she bought. It cracks me up how he can be so mature, and then is like a kid when it comes to gifts.
There is no way he can not find out the sex of their baby.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Book Fair is Over
Every year our librarian has two book fairs, one in the fall and one in the spring. She decorates (with help from Tammy), and makes it all look so special for the children. Every year there is a theme, and the decorations go along with the theme. This fall it was a safari theme. Here are a couple of pictures from the fair.
I just never realized how much work went into putting on a good book fair. There were many mornings we were at school before seven o'clock getting ready for it. We had "muffins with mom" one morning and "donuts with dad" the next morning. Since there are now two libraries we had to do it a second week at the intermediate library. There were even a couple of evenings that we had to stay late for parents to come in.
The setting up takes a lot of work, but the tearing down is almost as bad, because all of the books that are left have to be boxed and ready for pickup.
Donna does an excellent job and never get enough credit for all she does.
Let God be in Control
Long time no post. I have been busy, well more like lazy. The school year is going fast, which means my grandbaby will get here quicker.
In a previous post I wished my son-in-law a happy birthday and mentioned his surf lessons in Galveston. I thought at the time that it was a realy nice, thoughtful present. Now I really wish I had given him a gift certificate to McDonalds. He has surfing fever (Big Mac fever would be better) and is wanting to head to California and take my daughter with him. I know he is not just wanting to go to surf or to take Kara-Kae and my future grandchilren away from me, but is wanting to serve God.
My devotional this morning and Bible reading came from Proverbs 3. Proverbs 3:5 says to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding", but it is not always easy. I know we should live our lives doing our best to follow and honor God, and let him handle the rest, but sometimes it is so hard. I know we should go and do what God wants, even if it is not where we think we might be happiest.
A statement in my devotion that I think is appropriate is that if you are trying to climb back onto the throne of your life and that you've taken God's sceptor of control back from Him is when you're anxious, stressed, or worried. If you find yourself there, stop. Relax. Return the reigning to the king. I need to do this and rely on God.
In a previous post I wished my son-in-law a happy birthday and mentioned his surf lessons in Galveston. I thought at the time that it was a realy nice, thoughtful present. Now I really wish I had given him a gift certificate to McDonalds. He has surfing fever (Big Mac fever would be better) and is wanting to head to California and take my daughter with him. I know he is not just wanting to go to surf or to take Kara-Kae and my future grandchilren away from me, but is wanting to serve God.
My devotional this morning and Bible reading came from Proverbs 3. Proverbs 3:5 says to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding", but it is not always easy. I know we should live our lives doing our best to follow and honor God, and let him handle the rest, but sometimes it is so hard. I know we should go and do what God wants, even if it is not where we think we might be happiest.
A statement in my devotion that I think is appropriate is that if you are trying to climb back onto the throne of your life and that you've taken God's sceptor of control back from Him is when you're anxious, stressed, or worried. If you find yourself there, stop. Relax. Return the reigning to the king. I need to do this and rely on God.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What Name?
I have really exciting news: Toby and Stephenie are going to have a baby. I just don't know what to be called. I don't want to be Grandma or Grannie. Tallie's grandma is called Nana, so I don't want to use that. I am leaning toward Grammie, and Dennis being called Poppy. I am open to any suggestions.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Don't seek revenge
Don't say, "I will avenge this evil!" Wait on the Lord, and He will rescue you. Proverbs 20:22
This was the verse this morning during my Bible reading and journal time. It is so much easier to seek revenge when someone does us or our family wrong or unjustly. It is even worse when it is a follower of Christ. God calls us to a higher standard of behavior of what just comes naturally or that we think is best, if we are truly following Him. When we are mistreated, we should seek refuge in God instead of seeking revenge. Sometimes it seems impossible, but with God's strength we can do it and even pray for the person that wronged us. I really have a hard time to pray for God to bless them, but that is what I should strive to do.
This was the verse this morning during my Bible reading and journal time. It is so much easier to seek revenge when someone does us or our family wrong or unjustly. It is even worse when it is a follower of Christ. God calls us to a higher standard of behavior of what just comes naturally or that we think is best, if we are truly following Him. When we are mistreated, we should seek refuge in God instead of seeking revenge. Sometimes it seems impossible, but with God's strength we can do it and even pray for the person that wronged us. I really have a hard time to pray for God to bless them, but that is what I should strive to do.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Captain Underpants
Since I have been working as a library assistant, I have started reading lots of children's books. I asked a student last Friday to recommend a book for me to read. He suggested a Captain Underpants book. So I thought I would read the first one and let him pick out his favorite in the series for me to also read. So over the weekend I read The Adventures of Captain Underpants and Captain Underpants and the Perilous Plot of Professor Poopypants.

George and Harold, a couple of elementary age boys, enjoy playing practical jokes and creating their own comic books. And together they have created the greatest comic-book superhero in the history of their elementary school - CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!
But George and Harold's principal doesn't like their pranks or their comic books. He devised a plan to catch George and Harold and stop their trouble-making - once and for all! The original book is about what happened when that plan backfired, and Captain Underpants leaped off the page to save the day!
Dav Pilkey has written several sequels to the original. I think if you are a 3rd or 4th grade boy with a 3rd grade reading level, then you might think Captain Underpants is funny. Oh, who I am kidding, there are several adults boys that would think this is funny. I really don't enjoy the potty humor in the book (no pun intended). Ornery, troubling making boys is not very funny to me. I don't think I will be reading any more Captain Underpants.

George and Harold, a couple of elementary age boys, enjoy playing practical jokes and creating their own comic books. And together they have created the greatest comic-book superhero in the history of their elementary school - CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!
But George and Harold's principal doesn't like their pranks or their comic books. He devised a plan to catch George and Harold and stop their trouble-making - once and for all! The original book is about what happened when that plan backfired, and Captain Underpants leaped off the page to save the day!
Dav Pilkey has written several sequels to the original. I think if you are a 3rd or 4th grade boy with a 3rd grade reading level, then you might think Captain Underpants is funny. Oh, who I am kidding, there are several adults boys that would think this is funny. I really don't enjoy the potty humor in the book (no pun intended). Ornery, troubling making boys is not very funny to me. I don't think I will be reading any more Captain Underpants.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Back to the room
We worked a little on the scrapbook room yesterday. We got away from it for awhile when we were building bookcases for the Intermediate Library. They are finished and don't look too bad, for amateurs. Yesterday we framed in for the window. I can't stay out there and work much until ragweed season is over. I just get so stuffy and my eyes hurt too bad, if I stay out much.
That is one of the best things about my new job is that I am inside all day, and my allergies don't get the best of me. I may even skip the shot this year.
That is one of the best things about my new job is that I am inside all day, and my allergies don't get the best of me. I may even skip the shot this year.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Gotta love a county fair
Dennis and I went to the county fair this evening to see some of the displays and have a free meal. You know you are at a small, local county fair when you walk in the door and smell manure and barbecue at the same time. Then you sit down to eat the free barbecue meal and even with the order it tastes good. Then the bowl of free ice cream is yummy. Life in a small town. Ain't it grand. Gotta love a county fair.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Election year
I did something last night that I don't remember ever doing before. I watched some of the republican convention. I haven't watched the democratic one either, so I don't go into the election swayed one way or the other. I really don't care for election years. I am not very political, but mostly it is because they are so mean to each other. I change channels when a commercial comes on for a particular candidate. I do vote in every election, then I can complain if my candidate doesn't win. I only watched a few minutes last night to hear Sarah Palin speak and was impressed until she put in some negative jabs, which I guess is expected. My favorite part of the speech was the camera on her youngest daughter licking her hand and smoothing down her baby brother's hair. Wonder where she learned that trick?
I am Brenda Ringwald and I approve this message.
I am Brenda Ringwald and I approve this message.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Happy Birthday to Brook

I know you aren't supposed to play favorites, but I have to say Happy Birthday to my favorite son-in-law! Oh, yes, he is my only son-in-law. Here is a picture of his way early birthday present from July 14: Surfing lesson in Galveston. There really were waves, even if small. We should have waited a week until the hurricane hit, and the waves might have been higher. He did a great job, which worries me, because he may take Kara-Kae off to some ocean beach to live.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Beware of what you say in front of your kids!
The scrapbook room is coming along. We got the south wall in place and went and bought the window yesterday. Hopefully, we will get it in this week and then start on the east wall.
I have been looking through my old lesson plan books and P.E. activities to help the new elementary P.E. teacher out. Whenever my students would say something funny, I would try to remember it and write it down later. I usually just wrote it in my lesson plan book. I will randomly include some of them in my blog. Children will tell you about anything that they have ever seen, done, or heard. Just beware, because they will probably tell their teacher all about it, and sometimes will add to it to make it more interesting.
Brook should enjoy this one:
Student: My dad has a BB gun.
Me: He Does? What does he shoot with it?
Student: Moose & Cheetas!
Since I am getting on in years, I will have children of students that I once taught. I was asking a little girl what her mom's name was before she got married (you have to be careful with that one, also).
The student replied, "Actually, it was Rebecca, and now it is Becky."
We played a game in P. E. that is called "3 Down" in which 2-liter pop bottles are used. When the students walked into the gym, one of the boys asked, "Are we going to play spin-the-bottle?" Why would a 3rd grader even know that game? Must have a teen-age brother or sister.
I have been looking through my old lesson plan books and P.E. activities to help the new elementary P.E. teacher out. Whenever my students would say something funny, I would try to remember it and write it down later. I usually just wrote it in my lesson plan book. I will randomly include some of them in my blog. Children will tell you about anything that they have ever seen, done, or heard. Just beware, because they will probably tell their teacher all about it, and sometimes will add to it to make it more interesting.
Brook should enjoy this one:
Student: My dad has a BB gun.
Me: He Does? What does he shoot with it?
Student: Moose & Cheetas!
Since I am getting on in years, I will have children of students that I once taught. I was asking a little girl what her mom's name was before she got married (you have to be careful with that one, also).
The student replied, "Actually, it was Rebecca, and now it is Becky."
We played a game in P. E. that is called "3 Down" in which 2-liter pop bottles are used. When the students walked into the gym, one of the boys asked, "Are we going to play spin-the-bottle?" Why would a 3rd grader even know that game? Must have a teen-age brother or sister.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Scrapbook Room
I am so excited that Dennis and I are building a room in the garage for me to scrapbook in. I have had scrapbooking stuff upstairs, downstairs and back upstairs.
We have an area in the garage that we are going to build a room that is about 11' x 11'. We went and bought the top and bottom plate boards and studs this past week-end. He worked on the west wall yesterday when it was raining, since he couldn't work on the farm. This evening after we ate, we worked on the south wall. We measured and cut the top and bottom plates, we also marked and cut the studs. We nailed the end studs to the plates and set it in place to make sure that it fit between the floor and ceiling. It fit!! We are some kind of carpenters, not sure what kind, but it doesn't look too bad. Hopefully the wall will not fall down. I will try to keep updated as we build the room.
We have an area in the garage that we are going to build a room that is about 11' x 11'. We went and bought the top and bottom plate boards and studs this past week-end. He worked on the west wall yesterday when it was raining, since he couldn't work on the farm. This evening after we ate, we worked on the south wall. We measured and cut the top and bottom plates, we also marked and cut the studs. We nailed the end studs to the plates and set it in place to make sure that it fit between the floor and ceiling. It fit!! We are some kind of carpenters, not sure what kind, but it doesn't look too bad. Hopefully the wall will not fall down. I will try to keep updated as we build the room.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
New Job
I am not very good at this blogging stuff. It has already been a week since I last typed anything. I have the excuse of school starting and then, of course, there are the Olympics. What will be my excuse in a couple of weeks?
I started my new job Wednesday. It was definitely different than teaching physical education. The best the way to compare, is a day in the life of when I was a P. E. teacher and a day in the life of a library assistant. My P. E. classes would start at 8:15 a.m. and go through until 11:15 with a 10 minute break around 10. Then at 11:50 I would go back to the gym until 2:35. When it was hot outside it was very hot in the gym, being a metal building with no a.c. and very little, if any, insulation. When the temps were cold outside it wasn't too bad in the gym, except for when I had to stand outside to watch for the kindergartners. Kindergartners, now that is a whole other beast. My day as a library assistant will change when we start having students come to the library, but for now all I am doing is sitting at a table crossing out the word elementary in the books and stamping PURCELL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, or at the computer and putting book titles, authors and ISBN numbers in excel. Very easy, except by the end of the day my neck is mad at me. It is definitely not hot like the gym, in fact, some days I could wear a jacket.
I think I am really going to enjoy my job, when we start checking out books and seeing students every day. I'll let you know then.
I started my new job Wednesday. It was definitely different than teaching physical education. The best the way to compare, is a day in the life of when I was a P. E. teacher and a day in the life of a library assistant. My P. E. classes would start at 8:15 a.m. and go through until 11:15 with a 10 minute break around 10. Then at 11:50 I would go back to the gym until 2:35. When it was hot outside it was very hot in the gym, being a metal building with no a.c. and very little, if any, insulation. When the temps were cold outside it wasn't too bad in the gym, except for when I had to stand outside to watch for the kindergartners. Kindergartners, now that is a whole other beast. My day as a library assistant will change when we start having students come to the library, but for now all I am doing is sitting at a table crossing out the word elementary in the books and stamping PURCELL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL, or at the computer and putting book titles, authors and ISBN numbers in excel. Very easy, except by the end of the day my neck is mad at me. It is definitely not hot like the gym, in fact, some days I could wear a jacket.
I think I am really going to enjoy my job, when we start checking out books and seeing students every day. I'll let you know then.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Grandog spent the week
Last Sunday Dennis and I met Kara-Kae and Brook south of Ardmore to get Jack, our granddog. He came to the house for the week, while they were on vacation with Brook's family. It was an enjoyable experience most of the week. As I have mentioned before Jack is a dog that doesn't know he is a dog, so if I went places or did things, he thought he should be involved. We went to the library one day and helped Donna with getting books ready to shelve.
We went out to the garden to see what Dennis was doing.
Jack overcame his fear of the stairs last week, also. Well at least his fe
ar of the first four steps. He never would go to the top.
Overall it was an enjoyable week, but I think a dog that knows he is a dog is a little less demanding and time consuming.
I do have to admit that when a dog loves you and whines for you, it makes you feel good. Then the real people in charge of him comes home, and you don't even count anymore.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Eventful first half of 2008
The first half of this year was fairly eventful in my life, if you consider weddings and retirement eventful. My daughter got married on February 29 (smart guy that she married - only one anniversary every 4 years). I retired from teaching in May. My son got married in July. To make it even more eventful, neither one of them got married in our home town. Kara-Kae got married on NW Expressway (not literally on the expressway) in OKC, and Toby got married in Galveston. Both weddings were beautiful, but I have to say that daughter's weddings are harder than son's. Also, destination weddings are easier. Toby and Stephenie did have a large reception the next week-end in Sulphur. Not only did I get a wonderful son-in-law and daughter-in-law, but I got a granddog and granddaughter. Both families are settled into the married life, and I have recovered.
Retirement! I retired from teaching in May. I have taught since 1981, which I started at Lexington as a coach and P.E. teacher. The next year I came to Purcell and have taught there since. I taught 5th and 4th until 1995 when I moved to the gym to teach P.E. I am not completely retired in the sense that I don't work anymore. I am going to go back to the school and work as a library assistant. I am really looking forward to it. I still get to work with the kids at school, but won't have the experience of the "HOT" gym to deal with. I will get to work with my good friend, Donna, even though we will be in opposite buildings each day. I will be in the elementary on the days she is in the intermediate and vice-versa.
I almost forgot, my husband has had two surgeries this year. Even though it was much harder on him than me, it still was stressful.
Retirement! I retired from teaching in May. I have taught since 1981, which I started at Lexington as a coach and P.E. teacher. The next year I came to Purcell and have taught there since. I taught 5th and 4th until 1995 when I moved to the gym to teach P.E. I am not completely retired in the sense that I don't work anymore. I am going to go back to the school and work as a library assistant. I am really looking forward to it. I still get to work with the kids at school, but won't have the experience of the "HOT" gym to deal with. I will get to work with my good friend, Donna, even though we will be in opposite buildings each day. I will be in the elementary on the days she is in the intermediate and vice-versa.
I almost forgot, my husband has had two surgeries this year. Even though it was much harder on him than me, it still was stressful.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Ya' gotta love a bargain or two
I love getting a bargain. I know it is not really a bargain if you can't use it, but the bargains I got yesterday and today are usable. It all started at Hobby Lobby when I found this greenhouse thing that I thought my husband would like. He was in special directors' meetings in OKC, so I went shopping. I was walking around Hobby Lobby, one of my favorite places to shop, when I saw this greenhouse thing. It was 66% off!! I took him there during his lunch break, and he wanted it,so we purchased it. I took him back to his meeting and then went back to pick it up. The manager helped me to take it apart and load it in my car. I just hope we can get it put back together. Second bargain of the day came at Michael's. I bought some baskets to try to get organized at home. When we started checking out, the cashier gave us a coupon that someone had an extra of and left it at the store. The baskets were 50% off, and the coupon was for another 20% off. WOW!! (yes, Kara-Kae WOW is MOM upside down.) Today I went to Khol's, since it is tax free week-end. Here is the greatest bargain yet. I got 4 pair of pants and a long-sleeve shirt for $20.20. Yes. twenty dollars and twenty cents. The decimal was in the right place. I need real clothes for my new job, not just play clothes like I wore in P.E. Now for my final bargain of the day. We get back to Purcell and run by Walmart. I always go back to the scrapbook section just in case they have Cricut cartridges on sale. I found two that I don't have that were $25 each. If you don't know anything about Cricut cartridges, this was a great deal. They sale for as much as $89.
Can you beat those bargain?
Can you beat those bargain?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I am not a farmer!
Since my wonderful husband has been out of commission due to surgery, I have become the farmer and gardener. Feeding the animals and hauling water in buckets to water trees isn't too bad. Picking tomatoes, not so fun. If you have only a plant or two it would be fine, but two very long rows seems to never end. The tomatoes aren't really that bad, it is the blister bugs that are the problem. They are every where. If you shake the plants to knock them off, then they are all around your feet. Ok, maybe I wasn't so smart wearing fliflops, but I still think I would have been scared. I would like to think of myself as a brave, adventurous person, but no, I am just a coward that is realizing that I am more of a city, well large town maybe, girl instead of a country girl. I thought I might never eat another tomato, but then I think about pizza, and maybe the experience wasn't that bad.
How you live (part 2)
So go to the ballgames (Spent many years doing this.)
And go to the ballet (Even did this a few times. Kara-Kae remember - "I am a puppet!")
And go see your folks more than just on the holidays (Horrible at this one.)
Kiss all your children (Wish I could more.)
Dance with your wife (Don't have one.)
Tell your husband you love him every night (Try to.)
Don't run from the truth (Easy to try, but it always catches me.)
'Cause you can't get away
Just face it and you'll be okay (Doesn't seem like you will be okay at the time.)
Oh wherever you are and wherever you've been
Now is the time to begin (No time like the present.)
So give to the needy (Try, but never enough.)
And pray for the grieving (Also, never enough.)
E'en when you don't think that you can
'Cause all that you do is bound to come back to you (The good and the bad.)
So think of your fellow man (Definitely don't do this enough.)
Make peace with God and make peace with yourself (Moment by moment job.)
'Cause in the end there's nobody else (Amen.)
And go to the ballet (Even did this a few times. Kara-Kae remember - "I am a puppet!")
And go see your folks more than just on the holidays (Horrible at this one.)
Kiss all your children (Wish I could more.)
Dance with your wife (Don't have one.)
Tell your husband you love him every night (Try to.)
Don't run from the truth (Easy to try, but it always catches me.)
'Cause you can't get away
Just face it and you'll be okay (Doesn't seem like you will be okay at the time.)
Oh wherever you are and wherever you've been
Now is the time to begin (No time like the present.)
So give to the needy (Try, but never enough.)
And pray for the grieving (Also, never enough.)
E'en when you don't think that you can
'Cause all that you do is bound to come back to you (The good and the bad.)
So think of your fellow man (Definitely don't do this enough.)
Make peace with God and make peace with yourself (Moment by moment job.)
'Cause in the end there's nobody else (Amen.)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
How you live (part 1)
One of my favorite songs is "How You Live" by Point of Grace (sorry Brook).
I really like the words, and wish I lived my life more by them.
I'll start with the chorus, then the verses:
Turn up the music
Turn it up loud (Some music I like loud)
Take a few chances (I do not like to take chances. I don't have the courage. I want to be adventurous, but it is just not me. Writing a blog is as adventurous as I get.)
Let it all out You won't regret it
Lookin' back from where you have been (I guess I have come a long way from my childhood.)
Cuz it's not who you knew (Good thing.)
And it's not what you did (Another good thing.)
It's how you live (I am not sure my life is anything to brag about, but I haven't ever robbed a bank or killed anyone, so maybe I am not too bad.)
Wake up to the sunlight (I wake before the sunlight - early risers at my house.)
With your windows open (Not during allergy season.)
Don't hold in your anger or leave things unspoken (Never been accused of holding in my anger.)
Wear your red dress ( Don't have one, but intend to buy one.)
Use your good dishes (My only dishes are the good one, except when we buy those really nice paper plates)
Make a big mess and make lots of wishes (I make messes and wishes all of the time.)
Have what you want (I have what I want, and all I will ever need. I am very blessed. You should meet my husband and my children and their spouses and children.)
But want what you have (I really don't want the dust, but it says too.)
And don't spend your life lookin' back (I really look back too often. I have made lots of mistakes.)
I really like the words, and wish I lived my life more by them.
I'll start with the chorus, then the verses:
Turn up the music
Turn it up loud (Some music I like loud)
Take a few chances (I do not like to take chances. I don't have the courage. I want to be adventurous, but it is just not me. Writing a blog is as adventurous as I get.)
Let it all out You won't regret it
Lookin' back from where you have been (I guess I have come a long way from my childhood.)
Cuz it's not who you knew (Good thing.)
And it's not what you did (Another good thing.)
It's how you live (I am not sure my life is anything to brag about, but I haven't ever robbed a bank or killed anyone, so maybe I am not too bad.)
Wake up to the sunlight (I wake before the sunlight - early risers at my house.)
With your windows open (Not during allergy season.)
Don't hold in your anger or leave things unspoken (Never been accused of holding in my anger.)
Wear your red dress ( Don't have one, but intend to buy one.)
Use your good dishes (My only dishes are the good one, except when we buy those really nice paper plates)
Make a big mess and make lots of wishes (I make messes and wishes all of the time.)
Have what you want (I have what I want, and all I will ever need. I am very blessed. You should meet my husband and my children and their spouses and children.)
But want what you have (I really don't want the dust, but it says too.)
And don't spend your life lookin' back (I really look back too often. I have made lots of mistakes.)
Monday, July 28, 2008
More Pet Peeves
A couple more pet peeves then I will try to have a better attitude. I really don't like tailgaters. Going through a construction site at the proper speed limit with a vehicle tailgating me is really annoying. It gets worse when the drive flies past me and on the side of the car is an insurance agent panel, at least it wasn't my agent. Even worse is a van full of kids with a church listed on the side. Wonder if the parents really want their children speeding down the highway. I promise this is my last gripe, I mean pet peeve. I am a coupon cutter. I can really save a bundle, especially on those double coupon days. I get to the store figuring all the money going back into my pocket, when I realize that the coupons are so specific, and the store doesn't have that exact item.
Now I am going to be a little more positive. Even though I complain so much, I really am blessed. I have a wonderful husband that treats me like royality. I also have two wonderful adult children that have spouses that compliment them so well. There children are bright and fun to be around.
Now I am going to be a little more positive. Even though I complain so much, I really am blessed. I have a wonderful husband that treats me like royality. I also have two wonderful adult children that have spouses that compliment them so well. There children are bright and fun to be around.
Friday, July 25, 2008
What was I thinking?
What ever possessed me to start blogging! I have no idea what I am doing, but here goes. Who knows maybe it will be fun, I have also heard that about bungee jumping and sky diving, but I wouldn't do them either. I am going to use this as a sounding board, a form of communicating, and just for random thoughts.
It is so difficult to get started, even "about me" is difficult, and I know more about me than anyone. I decided to write a poem. As I go along I will post more about me and my life.
I did mention in "about me" that I am grandma to Tallie and Jack. Tallie is my son's 4 year old step-daughter as of July 12. She is a very precious little girl. I don't get to see her as much as I would like, but isn't that the way it is with all grandchildren. My other grandchild is Jack. Actually Jack is a dog, but he doesn't seem to know that.
Speaking of dogs not knowing they are dogs that leads me to some of my pet peeves. No pun intended. I have nothing against dogs that think they are one of the children. I do have problems with children having to do without the basics, because the dog has to go to a special groomer or gets special treatment. Another pet peeve is cabinet doors left open. It is strange that this would bother me so much, because I am not a very neat or organized person. I have lots of pet peeves, which means I am a complainer. I try not to be, but it just seems easier to complain than to try and do anything about it. Another pet peeve of mine is slang words that most people used to be considered cussing. Now in our society they are accepted by many. I don't think anyone should speak out loud or write a word or phrase they wouldn't want their child to say to a teacher at school or church.
I guess I will hit publish post, and enter into the word of blogging. More gripes, er I mean, pet peeves to follow.
It is so difficult to get started, even "about me" is difficult, and I know more about me than anyone. I decided to write a poem. As I go along I will post more about me and my life.
I did mention in "about me" that I am grandma to Tallie and Jack. Tallie is my son's 4 year old step-daughter as of July 12. She is a very precious little girl. I don't get to see her as much as I would like, but isn't that the way it is with all grandchildren. My other grandchild is Jack. Actually Jack is a dog, but he doesn't seem to know that.
Speaking of dogs not knowing they are dogs that leads me to some of my pet peeves. No pun intended. I have nothing against dogs that think they are one of the children. I do have problems with children having to do without the basics, because the dog has to go to a special groomer or gets special treatment. Another pet peeve is cabinet doors left open. It is strange that this would bother me so much, because I am not a very neat or organized person. I have lots of pet peeves, which means I am a complainer. I try not to be, but it just seems easier to complain than to try and do anything about it. Another pet peeve of mine is slang words that most people used to be considered cussing. Now in our society they are accepted by many. I don't think anyone should speak out loud or write a word or phrase they wouldn't want their child to say to a teacher at school or church.
I guess I will hit publish post, and enter into the word of blogging. More gripes, er I mean, pet peeves to follow.
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